PawsFirst Pet Photo Contest was a purring, tail wagging and oinking success!

Pet lovers relish nothing more than swapping stories about their furry friends, but sharing photos takes their joy to another level. To boost awareness of local rescue organizations, the PawsFirst Social Purpose Working Group organized a pet photo contest. Entrants were required to specify their chosen charity with their submission, with the top three winners determining where the funds raised would be donated.

A total of 119 entries featuring 142 pets, including cats, dogs, birds, and even a house pig, were received.

Surpassing the initial $5,000 fundraising target, the contest raised $6,879, leaving $5,844.98 after fees for donation to the chosen charities of the top three finishers.

We extend our gratitude to all participants who entered their beloved pets, voted for their favorites, and shared the contest with friends and family.


View top finishers

Grand Prize

Ollie (783 votes received) 

Submitted by: Nicole Painter, CertaPro Painters of Duluth

Society of Humane Friends Lawrenceville received a donation of $2,922.49 (50% of funds raised minus fees)

Ollie was adopted by Nicole two years ago when he was a year old. Nicole described him as a handsome, sweet and playful little guy. Sadly, following the conclusion of the contest, we received heartbreaking news that Ollie had passed away as the result of an autoimmune disorder. Ollie was beloved by many (and earned lots of fans through this contest),  and we send our deepest condolences to Nicole and her family.  


2nd Place

Rose and PJ (764 votes received)

Submitted by: Sherri Verret, FirstService Residential

Golden Retriever Rescue South Florida  received a donation of $1,753.49 (30% of funds raised minus fees)

PJ and Rose are 13 and 3 years old respectively and were adopted from Golden Retriever Rescue of South Florida.  Sherri describes them as loyal, beautiful and funny. They were both rescued from bad situations and she says seeing them loved and secure is the best reward!

Rose & PJ

3rd Place

Molly (548 votes received)

Submitted by: Ryan B., FirstService Corporation

Oakville & Milton Humane Society received a donation of $1,169 (20% of funds raised minus fees)

Molly is two and a half years old and full of joy and boundless energy. A true scholar, Molly earned the prestigious “top-dog” award in her training class, showcasing her intelligence and gentle spirit. She is a local celebrity in the neighborhood known for her loving nature and unique blue merle coat. Molly is not just a pet; she’s part of Ryan’s family.

Honorable Mention

Norman (488 votes received)

Submitted by: Roxane Baumbach, Paul Davis Restoration

Favorite charity: SPCA

Norman’s owner shared that they have a small hobby farm and added a pair of pot belly pigs to the mix. A few weeks later MISS Piggy had a litter of 7 piglets. Norman was the only pink piglet and by far the most assertive.  It was love at first sight and he became part of their house family. He continues to entertain them on a daily basis and is the epitome of consistency: Breakfast, dinner and bed at the same time every day. Norman loves to be in his outside pen during the day but is ready to lay on his blanket by dinner time. If his food is not ready and his blanket is not on the velour side, he will take all the pots and pans out of the kitchen cabinets and push them around the house. His family cannot imagine their “funny farm” without him.