How to Launch a Card Campaign

Card campaigns are a fun, family-friendly way to bring joy to the lives of others. This is an activity that requires a minimal time commitment – in as little as five minutes you can brighten someone’s day!

Whether you are choosing to send cards to deployed military troops, hospitalized children or assisted living facility residents, the basic guidelines below will apply.

  • Keep things light – your message should be uplifting and encouraging
  • Share things about yourself including hobbies and interests
  • Write about your life sharing positive information
  • If it is a workplace or group project, you can include a group photo
  •  Steer clear of political, religious or polarizing topics
  • Write like you speak – be yourself!
  •  Homemade cards and drawings are great – just be mindful of materials you use to decorate your card. For example, anything that rubs off, such as glitter, should be avoided for safety reasons


TLS recently launched a Pen Pal program and here’s how they did it.

1) Contact local senior and assisted living facilities to find out which ones would be receptive to receiving cards and letters

2) Designate individuals in the office to collect cards/letters/drawings

3) Encourage team members to send cards, letters and drawings. Those who are interested in initiating ongoing communications with a resident were asked to provide a return address for future correspondence

4) Cards/letters were sent to the senior center each quarter

This is a great activity for remote teams to participate in. Want to use this as a team building exercise? Consider holding a Zoom “Show and Tell” where pen pals can show off their (and their kids!) cards and artwork.

Want to get started? Here are some ideas for you.

Cards for Hospitalized Kids

Cards for Seniors

Home Again Assisted Living Facility

This facility is asking for cards, drawings or inspirational sayings for residents and asks letter writers to sign their first names and location so they can show residents how far love can travel. You may send cards for Residents at any of these addresses:

  • 308 England Street, Cambridge, Wisconsin 53523
  • 110 Stuart Street, Columbus, Wisconsin 53925
  • 1120 Connery Cove, Waunakee, Wisconsin 53597

Sending Sunshine

This registered charity aims to provide companionship to seniors through handwritten cards. More Information  

Do you prefer to send a video message instead? Care Not COVID has some easy to follow guidelines for sharing a message of support for seniors who are facing feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Cards for Deployed Military Troops

When writing to deployed troops, there are some other guidelines you will want to consider:

  • Be thankful. Let them know you appreciate their sacrifices and dedication to us and our country
  • Be respectful
  • Stay away from political topics
  • Tell them what’s going on at home but avoid discussing things in the news
  • Be kind. Soldiers experience difficulties most of us will never endure
  • Be encouraging

Leave them unsealed for inspection or they won’t be delivered.

Operation We Are Here has a lengthy list of resources and ideas to get you started.

When you launch your Card Campaign, you will want to be sure to post it to the Event Calendar. Contact your Social Purpose Champion to help getting it added!