Say Hello to July’s Summer of Service Activity Challenge Winners & Charitable Donation Recipient

July Winners

Helen Dozois, FirstService Residential

Vianett Jusino, FirstService Residential

David Cook, Aegis Fire Protection

Luis Cadavid, FirstService Residential

Our $500 Charitable Donation Designee is…

Congrats to Lois Johnson, a designer from California Closets, whose name was drawn to designate the recipient of the $500 Charitable Donation.

Lois selected Imire Conservancy in Zimbabwe.

“I love to travel and see the world, but I like to do it in an environmentally friendly way and since I also love to volunteer it was a nice way to combine those two areas of interest and feel that I can travel to a place like Zimbabwe but try to give back while I am there. The Imire Conservancy caught my attention when looking for a volunteer opportunity in Africa for their work in saving rhinos and elephants. The amount of effort it takes to keep the rhinos from being slaughtered by poachers is extraordinary! I wanted to help in whatever small way that I could. Not only did I get to ride horse around the 11,000 acre conservancy for a week looking for snares, tracking animals, doing animal counts and wellness checks but I also got to spend time with the local villagers and read with local elementary students. We also brought soccer balls with us that were donated to the schools and local villages – it was a really interesting adventure and a different way to see the world.”

Lois Johnson